Frequently ASKED Question

Coaching in nature is an unusual approach, so I’ve answered some of the most frequently asked questions below.

What happens if it’s raining on the day of my leadership seminar in the forest?

The arrangements will differ depending on whether the rain is light or heavy. In light rain, the leadership coaching in the forest will still take place, and we have the option of sheltering under tarpaulins. It would be a good idea to bring a waterproof jacket too. In the event of heavy rain, I’ll contact you on the morning of the coaching to give you a new date.

Do I need to prepare for one-to-one or group coaching?

There’s no need to do any preparation. However, if you come to the coaching with a curious and open attitude, you’ll learn more, get more from the experience and further improve your skills.

How do I know which form of coaching is right for me?

If you need any advice, please don’t hesitate to give me a call. My two programmes in Germany are easy to tell apart:
The “Observe – Discover – Re-evaluate” seminars and one-to-one coaching are designed to give you a fresh perspective on and a new approach to yourself and your role in your company. You can use this renewed energy to perform better and get to work on new visions and ideas. You could view this coaching as a kind of “general maintenance” for yourself.
In “Step off the hamster wheel” one-to-one coaching, we focus on your personal development as an individual, which in turn will lead to an improvement in your leadership abilities. In this one-to-one coaching, we eliminate and transform old, unhelpful belief systems, patterns and behavioural structures. This is important if you find yourself coming up against the same challenges, difficulties and obstacles in both your private and professional life.

How do your programmes differ from forest bathing?

I choose to coach in the forest just like others choose to coach in classrooms. The difference is that being in the forest helps my clients to switch off and be present in the moment, and to concentrate fully on themselves and their new experiences. They are able to get to know themselves in a new way and discover where their strengths lie and how they can use these strengths in their everyday lives. This is easier to achieve in a powerful, energising location like the forest – which gives us a sense of calm and, incidentally, is also where forest bathing is practised.

If you need more information, send me an email.